Beverage Service
Beverage pricing includes disposable cups and any necessary beverage condiments. (i.e. ice, sugar packets, cream, lemon wedges, stir sticks, etc.)
**All Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
Beverage pricing includes disposable cups and any necessary beverage condiments. (i.e. ice, sugar packets, cream, lemon wedges, stir sticks, etc.)
Includes: Iced Tea, Lemonade, Water (any, or all three)
Orange, Cranberry or Apple
Regular or Decaffeinated
Morning Beverage Service will include choice of coffee, assorted fruit juices and water
Afternoon Beverage Service will include choice of coffee, tea, soft drinks and water
Four hours, morning or afternoon service
Eight hours, morning and afternoon beverage service included
**All Prices Subject to Change Without Notice